Identifying opportunities to support people in need from the communities we work and live in gives us an opportunity to care for our neighbors, friends, and families. We we are better together and these projects allow staff teams from across the country to use their time, talent, and resources to provide for people who are in need. Through partnership, we have the opportunity to reach the people in our communities who are in the most need. In addition, our support may be needed within our staff families. There may be opportunities to care for someone on your staff team who has be struggling. The finished products are meant to be invested in your community how you best see fit in order to make the greatest impact.
Following a disaster, many people are aware of the need for food and water that likely exists in impacted areas. Another major need that is often overlooked is hygiene kits. These supplies are not only essential for everyday health for families who may have lost everything, but they also provide dignity. Both are equally crucial during the chaos.
- Ryan Grabill, Convoy of Hope
Lee County Homeless Shelter partners with local organizations to support people experiencing homelessness.
These kits will be used by outreach workers and case workers to resource the people they serve. Janet Bartos, Executive Director of the Lee County Homeless Coalition said, "The hygiene kits will be very beneficial to many people and will help make their lives a little easier. This act of generosity makes people smile and it brings a sense of hope into their lives."
“As a counselor and coach, I’ve witnessed first hand the impact of hygiene kits in the school system. These items have helped low income students meet their basic needs because of a lack of resources at home.
We are really grateful for community partners that provide these hygiene supplies for our students. It makes a big difference.”
- Lex Bibbs - West Meck High School